South recently collaborated with Tuhirangi Blair of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and Viaduct Harbour to visualise Maramataka: The Māori Lunar Calendar through animation and environmental design.
In traditional Māori society, day-to-day activities were guided by the Maramataka lunar phases and the environment, indicating the best time for planting, fishing and harvesting.
Phases of the moon expressed in the Maramataka still influence how we connect with the environment and ourselves today. Over a 30-day period there are low, medium and high energy days. In the lead up to Matariki, flags around Viaduct Harbour (and their animated counterparts) represent these aspects of the Maramataka.
The spectrum of colour represents the energy level of each lunar phase. Warm tones indicate high energy days, a time to be productive; while cooler tones represent low energy days, a time to slow down and relax.
Söhne by Kris Sowersby [Klim]
Luke Foley Martin